Checklist for Church Merge

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Church mergers are becoming more and more common in today’s world as churches look for ways to grow and thrive in an ever-changing society. A church merger is the joining of two or more churches to form one congregation with a common vision, mission, and purpose. Church mergers can be a beneficial way for churches to increase their impact, resources, and reach within their community.

There are many reasons why a church may consider a merger. Perhaps one church is struggling to maintain their facilities or attract new members, while another church has an abundance of resources and a thriving congregation. In such cases, a merger can help both churches by combining resources and strengths. Additionally, a church merger can create a larger and more diverse community, which can lead to greater outreach opportunities and a more robust worship experience for members.

  • Pray and Seek Counsel: Before any decision is made, it is important to seek God’s guidance through prayer and seek counsel from trusted advisors.
  • Communication: It is important to communicate clearly and openly with both congregations about the reasons for the merger, the vision for the new church, and the changes that will occur.
  • Leadership Structure: Determine the leadership structure of the new church, including the role of the pastors, staff, and lay leaders.
  • Finances: Develop a financial plan that includes the merging of budgets and expenses, as well as a strategy for fundraising and giving.
  • Facilities: Decide on the location and use of the facilities, and assess any necessary renovations or upgrades.
  • Worship and Services: Determine the style and structure of worship services, and incorporate traditions and practices from both congregations.
  • Membership and Discipleship: Determine the process for merging memberships and developing a discipleship program that serves the new congregation.
  • Volunteerism: Determine the volunteer needs of the new church and create a plan to engage members in service opportunities.
  • Marketing and Communication: Develop a marketing and communication plan that includes the new name, brand, and messaging of the new church, as well as outreach to the local community.
  • Celebrate and Welcome: Celebrate the merger and welcome the new congregation with open arms, fostering a sense of community and unity.

Remember, a church merger can be a challenging and emotional process, but with proper planning and prayerful consideration, it can lead to a stronger and more vibrant church that better serves its members and community.